Brace #8

Brace #8 today, and it looks great, and is another new design! Look at this print! Scooby looks AWESOME! I was pretty surprised- I expected him to be a lot smaller, and the pattern busier. But Amy is happy, so I am as well.  I really, really like our new Read more…

First NF Eye Exam

Today we’re at Stanford’s Eye Institute checking for tumors in Amy’s eyes. First she had a regular eye exam, looking to see if she had any common issues, like needing glasses, lazy eye, or any structural issues. (Nope) Then she checked her for any lich nodules (common with NF) and Read more…

Shoe Shopping

We bought new shoes today, always a struggle, but I found a pair of cute sandals at Payless.  I took a little video because she decided she wanted to walk. She really only feels comfortable when holding onto to something/someone. 11 weeks, 3 days post-op

Post-op #4

10 weeks 5 days Post-op  McFarland Bypass (done 2/21/2018) We tried to distract Amy with headphones and an iPad. Total fail. There was screaming. ? But, this new cast-guy is a wizard. Never have I seen anyone whip off a cast so fast! Very impressed.  Wow!  Look at that lateral view.  Looks Read more…

Brace #7

The alternate title of this post could be “The Moronic Orthotist Who Obviously Hates My Baby” *sigh* Anyways… Today we got brace #7! I was surprised to see we had (yet another!) new brace design- since I was ridiculously specific about every aspect of the brace I wanted… But hey!  Read more…

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