Yay! It’s here! They overnighted it to us- very cool. Hopefully now, we can get some better healing at the bottom of her graft. ??

It comes with the device, a charger, the strap, and ultrasound gel. Plus a bunch of reading material.

During treatment, no problems, all smiles. A single treatment lasts 20 minutes, and she doesn’t feel anything at all. We will do it every day, and will see her doctor after day 12.

After treatment, it left a small ring on her leg from being a little tight, but no big deal. Also, her scar is about 6 months old. Not too shabby!

Here is her little incision. (Also 6 months old.)

Amy is so cute, she’ll come up behind me and go, “Mommy, did you forget something?  You forgot my tweetment!”


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