6 days post-op

(McFarland Bypass done 2/21/2018)

Today is our first post-op appointment. We need to get x-rays, and orders say through the cast.  However, we might be getting a new cast today anyway, because somebody has already started walking in her cast, which is a no-no! So we are waiting on clarification on whether we should do x-rays now, or remove the cast, THEN do x-rays, then apply a new cast with a more extreme angle- like 90*. 

While we wait, POKÉMON GO!

These x-rays are shot through her split cast, which is why it’s textured, and has dark lines running through it.  How on earth is this not broken???  They look crazy- but you can very clearly see where the new bone was added, and that it is very firmly in place. ?? That’s the most important thing.

Lateral View

AP View

Dr. Hoffinger has reassured us that everything looks good.  But now the question is what to do about her cast?  The stability of it is very much in question, plus she’s trying to walk on it.  But we can’t remove the cast, because that may disturb the graft.  So, what do we do?  We add another layer of fiberglass on top of the existing cast!

Of all the colors, she picks GREEN? Ick.  But, ok!

First, Lucky gets a green cast on top of his stripey cast.

Then it was Amy’s turn.  She didn’t need green all the way up, just up to where the split started.

Now her cast is green, with a red and blue stripe at the top!

She was very pleased that she and Lucky matched.

Next, we had to problem solve. Amy has been trying to walk, which is a NO-NO! Rather than risk shifting things around inside her leg by removing the cast, or putting her at risk for blood-flow and/or muscular issues from a 90* cast to keep her off her feet- Doctor Hoffinger added a spike to the end to make walking more difficult. He said he’s been asked ti patent it, but he doesn’t have the time or the inclination. ?


The spike is literally made from a piece of trash.  Casting material comes on a plastic roll, kinda like a roll of toilet paper.  This roll in the center is then cut to the appropriate size, then placed on the ball of her foot- outside the cast. The plastic is then secured with more casting material wrapping all around it.  (Amy picked purple!)


So now she has a green cast, with a purple stripe and spike at the bottom, and light blue with a red swirl at the top. Crazy!

We will be in this crazy cast for 3 weeks. On March 20th, (our next appointment) it will be removed, and depending on x-rays, we may move to a long-leg WALKING cast!

So, good appointment, but now we just wait and see. ❤️

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